The girls’ new book

A couple weeks ago I was contacted by someone who adopted a dog through Animal Rescue Korea back in 2011. He’d recently written and illustrated a children’s book about his dog’s rescue called Baekgu with Brown Spots. Also, he was offering to donate W2,000 KRW ($1.85 CAD) to a Korean shelter for each sale referred through ARK!

I immediately ordered two copies and they arrived today! The story and the pictures are super sweet. Not only do I love it, so do the girls:

Dogs and a book
SHHHHH! Trying to read here!

The donation offer is still open, so if anyone is looking for a storybook with an animal-friendly message while also helping rescue efforts in Korea, go ahead and purchase a copy or two :) Find more info about the book in my blog post on ARK! It’s only $15, including the international shipping.

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