Summer fragments

Catching up

An assortment of pictures dating back to last fall…

Christmas 2016

Christmas at Carl’s was nice and mellow– except for those who had a cold and/or got the flu and/or did all the cooking (not me). Unfortunately, it seems I only took out my camera once :(

Not shown:
– any of us adults (we didn’t just let Sage supervise the kids)
– Anna’s lovely Christmas meal
– 4 schnauzers behaving charmingly
– all our nice presents!
– chillin’ out with movies all Sunday long

Here’s what I did capture:

Summer recap

The reason why I haven’t posted in so long is largely related to having no well-functioning camera. Then summer ended with the fall of the PT Cruiser and three weeks of car shopping.

This is an amalgamation of bits of things we did, but it doesn’t capture what stands out. When I think of how time flew by, I think of going for a quick swim every afternoon and spending a lot of time watering the garden.


I hope little Quinny liked the game of Pass The Baby we played on Saturday!

Carl’s birthday

With Anna’s help, Eric, mom and I surprised Carl with a pizza party on his birthday by showing up at his place before he got home from work!

Schnauzer greetings
Waiting for her daddy to get home.
Daddy’s home, but my show is still on!
Hey, what’s burning?
Let’s eat!
