Party leader books

I made of list of books authored or co-authored by the federal party leaders (excluding party platforms) to get a better sense of what each person cares about (ordered alphabetically by author, then chronologically).

Duceppe, Gilles, 1947-

Harper, Stephen, 1959-

No publications found. Harper is currently writing a book about the early history of Canadian hockey.

Ignatieff, Michael

Layton, Jack, 1950-

May, Elizabeth


  • jen

    Aaaaahahahaha! Mr. Harper will no doubt have a trove of wisdom to convey on the subject of our nation’s great sport.

  • Karen

    Maybe so. Hockey is clearly a social issue we will all wish we’d spent more time debating come May 3rd :S

    I hope you are living safely in a blaze-orange zone?

  • Karen

    I suspected you might be on that orange island!! I’m in a fragile little red puddle, like a wee stray drop of Torontonian blood.

  • Karen

    Wait, Mr. Harper’s hockey book may be deeper than we think. Apparently, he uses hockey philosophy for filling his Cabinet:

    “I believe this cabinet does represent the right mix of experience and new blood,” Mr. Harper told a press conference after unveiling his 39-person cabinet. “Any hockey coach will tell you for a team to keep winning over time it has to maintain a core of veterans and gradually blend in new talent over time.”

    Is promoting quitters and losers a hockey thing, too? Somehow I think not.

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