Creepy Conservatives and other political ads

I didn’t know that Stephen Harper pre-screens people before allowing them into Conservative party rallies. A political science student was expelled from a rally in London because she had a photo of herself with Mr. Ignatieff on her Facebook page. Here is the Liberal response (below). Is it not a bit creepy of the Federal Liberal Agency to now use the student’s photo and name to advertise their party? I wonder if they asked permission?

I’ve been visiting all the party websites and so far the NDP have my favourite videos. I like their mix of speeches, rallies, and ads, in particular a video of their #stopthemeter rally as well as this TV spot:

While the Greens don’t exactly have a budget for ads, their ‘attack ad on attack ads’ was a decent try. It might have been more effective if they had not used the faces of the politicians they were supposed to not be attacking:

It’s not directly about the elections, but this Greenpeace spot is worth a watch, too:

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