Thirty five is great

From Eric
From Eric

Saturday was a relaxing day:

I made a mess with paper in the kitchen, doing crafts and staying off the internet, mostly, except to read birthday messages. At noon I got this special delivery (left)! I talked with people who love me periodically throughout the day, then in the evening I got presents! I ate 4-cheese pizza and, attaining adulthood, had my first classic martini with gin for dinner with R., proceeding to St. Laurent for bowls of decaf lattes served by a sour girl who asked her coworker “Why would anyone drink decaf?” while preparing our swirly drinks. Then we had cheesecake with caramel and walnuts, more of which I ate for breakfast this morning.

August trip home

A few photos from the second trip home of this summer.


Song Detail.
Song Detail.

Because I had forgotten my camera the first time, I visited Imagine: The Peace Ballad of John & Yoko at the Musée des beaux-arts twice: once when Paula was in town and then again with Renata last Wednesday.

I didn’t know that John Lennon was born during an air raid in 1940 or anything about the international War is Over! campaign. In this exhibit I especially liked the handwritten song pages and the interactive stamping room which had gotten a little out of control…