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One day on the water

I missed Opening Day because I couldn’t move my legs after 4 days of hiking in the woods. After a full weekend of A535, hot baths, ibuprofen, and extra sleep (also waiting for the sun to come out), I made it out for a half day by the west shore of Beausoleil.

Oak Island, NC

Beer fish

On a trip to Owen Sound to determine its livability, I understood this street art inspired by beer labels to be a good sign.

Art along the pathway to the Owen Sound farmer's market.
Shiny arty fish.
On closer inspection, many fishes.
Most amazingly, all the fishes are beer fishes.


Brant Lake

These photos are from a trip to Brant Lake, one of the Grand River conservation areas we have access to with our season’s pass. While Eric fishes, Abbey is mesmerized by the lures, Sage is mesmerized by any and every passerby, and I am lucky to finish reading a single short story.