Paintbrushes out of hibernation

paintbrushes-2Sunday was cold but full of bright sun. I dug out my brushes, watercolours, acrylics, crayons, and a wee little canvas board. Some of the tubes of paint were rock hard.

I discovered that you can wash paint off canvas board almost completely without the board going soggy. And when your materials are over 7 years old it doesn’t feel like wasting when your sketch turns out badly. I repainted the one board over and over til afternoon. I stopped when I got turquoise paint on the knees of my jeans and it was time to take the dogs for a walk.

It was fun to play with colours on the floor, with Abbey snoring under the table.


I built this birdfeeder with slices of sumac and cedar and a 6-inch ring bolt. Then I smothered it with homemade vegetarian suet and hung it out on the backyard clothesline. The first creature to notice was a black squirrel. And then the feeder was destroyed.




Painting the office

Eric, tired of feeling like he was immersed in the ocean, decided on Sunday to paint his office on Sunday. We’d found green paint in the basement and had some leftover painters tape, so what else did we need? Get to work!

After putting one coat on the bottom half of the room, we went out and bought an 8-foot ladder and some extra rollers. He also picked up some specialty paint to create a chalkboard wall. Here’s how:



I added some cheap “flare” to the downstairs bathroom by sewing some curtains myself. They’re mostly hemmed… got a bit too tired to sew the sides of the long ones. Anyway, they work!




Scottie dog

Yesterday I finished knitting my first pup from the “Knit Your Own Dog” book I got for Christmas. I made the Scottish Terrier for our lovely Scottish neighbour who had us over for wine (again!) last night. I had to rush to finish him and now see I should’ve trimmed up his beard a bit more so he’d look less orphaned like Abbey!